Reiki is a gentle Japanese energetic healing technique that works with the energy fields of the body to help facilitate self-healing and energetic balance throughout the body.

The word Reiki means “Universally Guided Life Energy”.

The Reiki practitioner uses a non-manipulative light touch technique on the recipient. The client remains fully clothed throughout the session. Reiki is a gentle, yet powerful healing energy, and has been known to assist with healing virtually all major and minor illnesses and injuries. A Reiki session is a very relaxing experience, and can also feel like a meditation, and a gentle healing session.

We offer standard Reiki sessions for relaxation and gentle healing, and customizable sessions to help with specific issues.

We also offer Reiki training for those who are interested in learning this beautiful healing technique, which can be used on oneself, for friends and family members, and even pets! Classes are a combination of lecture, discussion, and hands-on practice. Reiki is not a religion, though it does work with all religious beliefs. There is no pre-requisite experience or level of spirituality required in order to learn Reiki. It is open and available to all!

Note: Reiki is NOT a replacement for standard medical care. It does however work well in conjunction with standard medical care.


Reiki 60-minute Session

A 60-minute session uses a standard set of hand positions, or if guided to do so, hand positions as directed by Reiki energy.

In an initial session, we will generally use standard hand positions to ensure all areas of the body are covered.

Cost: $111

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Reiki 90-minute Session

A 90-minute session is a more thorough, intuitively guided session, where we can spend more time sending Reiki energy to specific areas.

Cost: $155

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Reiki Session with Crystals

Crystals can be added to a Reiki session to help amplify and focus the healing energies of the session.

Crystals have their own specific healing vibrations that can be attuned to the energetic vibrations of the body. In these sessions, we can use a standard set of crystal placement, or can be intuitively guided to place specific crystals in specific locations, in conjunction with Reiki hand placements.

Cost: $144 – 60 minutes

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Cost: $177 – 90 minutes

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Distance Reiki Session

Reiki can be sent through both time and space. As such, it can be sent to anyone at a distance, and can be sent backward or forward through time.

A Distance Reiki Session is the same as having an in-person session, and it is equally as effective. To prepare for this session, we will contact you to set up a specific date and time so you can settle in, relax, and enjoy your Reiki session.

Cost: $111 – 60 minutes $155 – 90 minutes

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Animal Reiki Session

Animal Reiki Session info

Cost: $99 for 30-60 minutes NOTE: The animal guides the length of the session

Extra Travel Charge if more than 15 mile radius from Higher Heart Center 

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Reiki Session Packages

We offer Reiki Session Packages at a discount!

3-Session Packages:

60-minute sessions – $255 

60-minute sessions with Crystals – $313

90-minute sessions – $313

90-minute sessions with Crystals – $366

Animal Reiki – $255

5-Session Packages:

60-minute sessions – $422 

60-minute sessions with Crystals – $533

90-minute sessions – $533

90-minute sessions with Crystals – $633

Animal Reiki – $422

Purchase Package!


This introductory training is a combination of lecture, discussion, and hands-on experience. There are no prerequisites for taking Reiki Level I. Anyone can join!

In this training, we will explore, experience, practice, and learn:

  • What is Reiki?
  • How does it work?
  • The History of Reiki and the Reiki Ideals
  • The Ocean of Holy Love experience that places Divine Love into your heart
  • Learn the standard Reiki hand positions.
  • Learn to give a complete Reiki treatment for self and others.
  • Learn the Three Pillars of Reiki.
  • Gassho meditation
  • Reiji-ho – using inner guidance to know how and where to treat
  • Chiryo – performing the Reiki session
  • Byosen Scanning – Scanning method to detect where Reiki is needed
  • Kenyoku – a method to cleanse one’s energy field
  • Dr. Hayashi Healing Guide for specific conditions
  • Intuitive methods of hand placement.

Training Manual and Certificate included.

The training will include hands-on practice time. The student should plan on continuing to practice outside of class once you have completed the course.

Training Fee: $244

Reiki Level II is available to anyone who has successfully completed training in Reiki Level I, in any lineage, in a classroom environment.

In this training we will explore, experience, practice, and learn:

  • Gyoshi ho – sending Reiki with the eyes
  • Koki ho – using the breath to send Reiki
  • The Holy Love Experience
  • Using Reiki for pets, plants, food, crystals, and more.
  • The Reiki II symbols and how to use them with practice time.
  • The Reiki II placement, including placement of the Reiki II symbols.
  • Using Reiki to heal unwanted habits or create new, healthy ones.
  • Distant healing to send Reiki to family, friends, and world situations.
  • Protecting your energy field from negativity or picking up other’s energy
  • Intuitive methods of hand placement

Training Manual and Certificate included.

The training will include hands-on practice time. The student should plan on continuing to practice outside of class once you have completed the course.

Training Fee: $244

This is a combined Reiki Level I and II, two-day training designed to provide a broader and deeper experience with Reiki for those who feel guided to do so.

Reiki Level I – Day One

  • What is Reiki?
  • How does it work?
  • The History of Reiki and the Reiki Ideals
  • The Ocean of Holy Love experience that places Divine Love into your heart
  • Learn the standard Reiki hand positions.
  • Learn to give a complete Reiki treatment for self and others.
  • Learn the Three Pillars of Reiki.
  • Gassho meditation
  • Reiji-ho – using inner guidance to know how and where to treat
  • Chiryo – performing the Reiki session
  • Byosen Scanning – Scanning method to detect where Reiki is needed
  • Kenyoku – a method to cleanse one’s energy field
  • Dr. Hayashi Healing Guide for specific conditions
  • Intuitive methods of hand placement

Reiki Level II – Day Two

  • Gyoshi ho – sending Reiki with the eyes.
  • Koki ho – using the breath to send Reiki.
  • The Holy Love Experience.
  • Using Reiki for pets, plants, food, crystals, and more.
  • The Reiki II symbols and how to use them with practice time.
  • Using Reiki to heal unwanted habits or create new, healthy ones.
  • Distant healing to send Reiki to family, friends, and world situations.
  • Protecting your energy field from negativity or picking up other’s energy.
  • Intuitive methods of hand placement.

Training Manual and Certificate included.

The training will include hands-on practice time. The student should plan on continuing to practice outside of class once you have completed the course.

Training Fee: $444

If you’ve felt the calling to become a Reiki Master, this training is for you! Experience the strength, power, and gentleness of Holy Fire® III Reiki Master energy. Increase your ability to assist with healing yourself and others, using the Master symbol and the Holy Fire III® symbol.

Upon completion of this training, you will be qualified to teach Reiki Levels I, II, and Master levels, if you choose. Many students become Reiki Masters simply to increase their Reiki energy for self-healing and healing of friends and family, though they may at some time be guided to teach.

This training is open to all Level II or higher Reiki Practitioners/Masters of any lineage, who have had their Reiki training..

A minimum of 6 months experience at Reiki Level II is required before taking this training.

This is a 3-day intensive training. In this training we will explore, experience, practice, and learn:

  • Receive the Healing in the River of Life Experience that heals deeply
  • Receive the placement (attunement) for the Usui Master symbol
  • Receive the pre-ignition, which purifies deeply, and with your permission, releases guides who have completed their work
  • Use crystals and learn how to make a Reiki grid to continuously send Reiki
  • Receive the Ocean of Holy Love Experience
  • Receive four Usui/Holy Fire III® Master ignitions and the Healing Fire ignition, which connect you directly to Source/God/Holy Spirit and upgrade your Reiki energy
  • Practice using the Usui Master and Holy Fire symbols in treatments
  • Learn how to give placements for Reiki through Master, the ignitions for Holy Fire III®, and all processes to be able to teach the classes
  • Learn how to give yourself placements and ignitions
  • Learn a Holy Fire Healing Experience to heal deeply for yourself and clients
  • Learn how to release spirit attachments
  • Learn tips on teaching and how to build a Reiki business if you choose and more!

Training Manual and Certificate included.

The class will include hands-on practice time. The student should plan on continuing to practice outside of class once you have completed the course.

Training Fee: $1111

Holy Fire® III Karuna Reiki® is a new form of Reiki introduced by the International Center for Reiki Training (ICRT). It is both powerful and gentle and provides purification, healing, empowerment and guidance.  Holy Fire energy is noticeably more refined and comes from a higher level of consciousness.

Karuna means, “compassionate action”. The use of Karuna Reiki® energy is penetrating, yet gentle.

This training includes 8 new symbols for healing. Some healing uses of the symbols are: cellular memory healing, healing the parts of yourself that you deny (your shadow self), abuse issues, addictions, relationships, harmonizing all energy systems, manifesting goals, increased learning ability, creativity, healing co-dependence, healing of fear, panic attacks, and bringing peace and trust into your life.

To qualify to take this class, a student must have been a Reiki Master in any lineage for at least 6 months and be able to draw the Reiki II and Master symbols from memory.

This training is the next step after Reiki Master and is both a practitioner and a Master class. Those that participate in the training will be able to use the symbols in their Reiki sessions and teach all levels of Holy Fire® III Karuna Reiki®. It is complete with eight practitioner symbols, one master symbol, four ignitions and two meditations that are guided directly by the Holy Fire.

The Holy Fire® III Karuna Reiki® energy provides purification, healing, empowerment and guidance.

This is a 3-day intensive training.
In this training we will explore, experience, practice, and learn:

  • 4 level one symbols and 4 level two symbols. Discuss their uses for a wide variety of healing issues.
  • Practice giving and receiving Karuna using all the symbols.
  • Receive the Ocean of Holy Love experience.
  • Receive the pre-ignition, which purifies deeply and with your permission releases guides who have completed their work.
  • Receive two Holy Fire® III Karuna Reiki® Master ignitions and the Healing Fire ignition, which connect you directly to Source/God/Holy Spirit and upgrade your Reiki energy.
  • Take your spiritual and healing journey to a new, deeper level.
  • Learn how to teach Karuna as a 3-day intensive class.
  • Chant and tone with Karuna Reiki®, adding vibrational healing to your toolkit.
  • Become a registered Holy Fire III® Karuna Reiki® Master with the International Center for Reiki Training.

A certificate and manual is included with in depth descriptions of each symbol and each ignition process. You will also be offered the opportunity to become a “Registered Holy Fire® III Karuna Reiki® Master” with The International Center for Reiki Training (ICRT). You will then be able to use ICRT manuals and your student certificates will come from the ICRT.

Training Fee: $1111

Animal Reiki I & II are taught together during a two-day class and includes two Animal Reiki Placements (attunements). For those who want to share Reiki with animals, this beginning training is comprehensive.  Upon completion, you can offer Animal Reiki treatments to all species of animals.

The Animal Reiki energy received in this course is a unique Reiki energy.  It’s a special life force energy for the animals.  The Placements given in the ICRT Animal Reiki I & II class will attune and unify the Animal Reiki symbol with your existing Reiki energy and symbols and allow the reiki practitioner to channel the Animal Reiki energy.

Class includes all practitioner skills, tools, and techniques needed to share Reiki with the animals.  Open to all Reiki lineages.

The information and techniques for both levels include:

  • History and definition of ICRT Animal Reiki.
  • The Animal Reiki symbol—The Tree of Life.
  • Animal Reiki I & II Placements/Attunements.
  • Techniques for in-person and remote sessions, including preparation exercises and healing technique meditations: Animal Reiki Grounding Exercise, Whole Body Awareness Exercise, Divine Animal Circle Healing Technique, Healing Compassion Fatigue, and Animal Grief Healing Meditation.
  • Discussion on giving Animal Reiki full sessions in person or remote, including developing your own Animal Reiki style.
  • Review common healing issues for animals, including disharmony, unfulfilled purpose, loneliness, grief, confusion, illness, compassion fatigue, end of life, animals and children, and behavioral problems.
  • How to give Reiki to many species of animals.
  • Practice time working with animals in person or online.
  • Review of how to create a thriving Animal Reiki practice, including in the formal or professional environments of veterinary offices, zoos or wildlife rehab facilities, animal shelters, therapy animal organizations, animal sanctuaries, and ways you might use Reiki in these settings.

While practice takes place during the class, we expect you to set aside time to practice after class is completed. Please commit to additional time to practice Animal Reiki with animal members of your family or friends. This additional practice is necessary to completely gain the experience and confidence you need to use the Animal Reiki training.

Prerequisite:  Anyone with Reiki II or higher from any lineage.

Training Fee: $444

This is a three-day class.  To qualify to take this class, you must have taken Reiki I & II and Reiki Master for humans AND the ICRT Animal Reiki I & II class.  This Master class provides the Animal Reiki symbol and energy and the tools and techniques needed to practice, share Reiki with animals, and teach ICRT Animal Reiki to others.  Upon completion, you can teach both in-person and online ICRT Animal Reiki I & II and Master classes.

The ICRT Animal Reiki Master class includes four Ignitions (attunements), and several healing experiences. The Ignitions will ignite and unify the Animal Reiki symbol and energy with your existing Reiki Master symbol or symbols. In addition, you will learn how to teach the tools and techniques for your ICRT Animal Reiki I & II and Master classes.

The teaching tools and techniques presented in the class manual are for both online and in-person ICRT Animal Reiki classes.

In this three-day course, you’ll:

  • Learn additional practitioner skills to heal animals using Reiki.
  • Receive four Ignitions to the Animal Reiki symbol and energy.
  • Receive and learn the Divine Animal Kingdom Healing Experience and the Whole-Body Listening Experience.
  • Deepen your experience, knowledge, communion with the animals, the Spirit of the Earth, and the divinity of the Earth.
  • Learn additional practitioner and Animal Reiki healing tools, including giving Reiki Placements to animals so they receive the Animal Reiki energy for their use.
  • Learn how to conduct the Placements, Ignitions, Experiences and Invocations.
  • Practice time with animals.

Pre-requisite:  Reiki Master from any lineage and the ICRT Animal Reiki I & II class.

Training Fee: $1111